collateral loan — /kə læt(ə)rəl ləυn/ noun a loan secured on assets … Dictionary of banking and finance
collateral — col·lat·er·al 1 /kə la tə rəl, la trəl/ adj 1 a: accompanying as a secondary fact, activity, or agency but subordinate to a main consideration b: not directly relevant or material a collateral evidentiary matter a collateral issue 2: belonging to … Law dictionary
collateral — [kə lat′ər əl] adj. [ME < ML collateralis < L com , together + lateralis,LATERAL] 1. side by side; parallel 2. parallel in time, rank, importance, etc.; corresponding 3. accompanying or existing in a subordinate, corroborative, or indirect… … English World dictionary
loan, secured — n. A loan that is secured with property or securities; also called a collateral loan. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
loan — A lending. Delivery by one party to and receipt by another party of sum of money upon agreement, express or implied, to repay it with or without interest. Boerner v. Colwell Co., 21 Cal.Sd 37, 145 Cal.Rptr. 380, 384, 577 P.2d 200. Anything… … Black's law dictionary
loan — A lending. Delivery by one party to and receipt by another party of sum of money upon agreement, express or implied, to repay it with or without interest. Boerner v. Colwell Co., 21 Cal.Sd 37, 145 Cal.Rptr. 380, 384, 577 P.2d 200. Anything… … Black's law dictionary
collateral — collaterality /koh lat euh ral i tee/, collateralness, n. collaterally, adv. /keuh lat euhr euhl/, n. 1. security pledged for the payment of a loan: He gave the bank some stocks and bonds as collateral for the money he borrowed. 2. Anat. a. a… … Universalium
collateral — /kəˈlætərəl / (say kuh latuhruhl) adjective 1. situated at the side. 2. running side by side. 3. Botany standing side by side. 4. accompanying; attendant; auxiliary. 5. additional; confirming: collateral security. 6. secured by collateral: a… …
loan — Synonyms and related words: Wall Street loan, accommodate with, accommodation, advance, allow, allowance, call loan, call money, collateral loan, credit, demand loan, external loan, float a loan, foreign loan, lease lend, lend, lend lease, loan… … Moby Thesaurus
Collateral protection insurance — Collateral Protection Insurance, or CPI, insures property (primarily vehicles) held as collateral for loans made by lending institutions. CPI may be classified as single interest insurance if it protects the interest of the lender, a single party … Wikipedia
Collateral management — Collateral has been used for hundreds of years to provide security against the possibility of payment default by the opposing party in a trade. Collateral management began in the 1980s, with Bankers Trust and Salomon Brothers taking collateral… … Wikipedia